John Hutchison & Ronnie Milione

The Philadelphia Experiment Recreated!





LW 08 „Jupiter”

(click to enlarge: 38 kByte)
Picture: LW 08 on board of the Chilean frigate „Abraham van der Hulst”
   Manufacturer: Hollandse Signaalapparaten BV (SIGNAAL)

The JUPITER/LW 08 2D-early warning radar performs long range (260 km on 2 m² RCS target) air surveillance on board medium and heavy-tonnage ships. JUPITER/LW 08 operates in D- Band, and is available with a cost-effective fully solid-state transmitter. The antenna is mounted on a lightweight hydraulically stabilized platform (roll and pitch).

The synthesizer-driven Traveling Wave Tube transmitter provides for a great flexibility over a wideband frequency, with pulse-to-pulse frequency agility. Together with the low sidelobe level of the antenna (with cosecant squared pattern) the radar has a high performance in an electronic countermeasures polluted environment. Excellent clutter suppression is the result of

LW08 radars are installed aboard the German „Brandenburg” class frigates, too.


frequency: D-Band
pulse repetition time (PRT):  
pulse repetition frequency (PRF): 500 or 1000 hertz's
pulsewidth (PW):  
receive time:  
dead time:  
peak power: 150 kilowatts
average power: 5 kilowatts
displayed range: 140 nautical miles
range resolution: 0.5 nautical miles
beamwidth: 2.2 degrees
hits per scan: 15 to 20
antenna rotation: 7.5 or 15 rpm.